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The Importance of Vastu Shashtra

Posted by admin on March 4, 2016

Vastu Shastra teaches us that everything in the universe has its own energy, and every building or land has its own energy vibration. The universe has both positive and negative energies, and Vastu aims to get rid of the negative ones while boosting the positive ones. Following Vastu Shastra can bring many benefits, such as improving financial prosperity, stability in career, growth in academics, better relationships, and maintaining good physical and mental health. And there’s even more that can be achieved with the help of Vastu.

In Vastu, the universe is seen as made up of five elements: Earth, Air, Space, Fire, and Water. These elements play a big role in bringing positivity into our homes. Each element has its own direction:

  • Earth (Prithvi) brings stability and patience and is important in the center and diagonal directions.
  • Air (Vayu) adds fun and happiness to life and dominates the East.
  • Space (Akasha) is about mental energy and social connections, and it’s found in the West.
  • Fire (Agni) represents confidence, money, and success, and it’s strongest in the South.
  • Water (Jal) supports life and health, and it’s most effective in the North.

By understanding and balancing these elements in our living spaces, we can create environments that promote harmony and well-being.

Vastu Tips for Financial Prosperity At Home:

In the world of Vastu, finding prosperity doesn’t have to be complicated. Here are some easy tips to bring wealth and abundance into your home effortlessly:

  1. Keep your main door clean and attractive to welcome positive energy and wealth.
  2. Use the color purple in your home décor, or simply place a money plant in a purple pot for prosperity.
  3. Place your cash locker or safe in the South or South-West part of your home, facing North.
  4. Place a mirror in front of your cash locker to double your wealth.
  5. Place water features like fountains or small water gardens in the North-East part of your home to attract positive energy.
  6. Fix any leaky faucets or plumbing issues to prevent financial losses.
  7. Hang wind chimes at your entrances to ensure a smooth flow of wealth.
  8. Place a picture or idol of Goddess Lakshmi near your entrance for financial gains.
  9. Keep a flute in your home to ward off financial troubles, especially if you’re facing issues with education or career.

With these simple adjustments, you can invite prosperity and abundance into your life with ease.

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